Sunday, June 25, 2017


"You who dwell in the gardens, with friends in attendance, let Me hear your voice." Song of Songs 8:13

So many times I have silently ached and desired to hear a friend’s voice. I know the frustration of the silence. Sometimes there is no reception. Sometimes there is no connection. Sometimes eternal separation. I am the only aware of my desperation; the other is oblivious. Sometimes, as it appears, I am the one oblivious. It never occurs to me that someone wants to hear MY voice. Humbly and beautifully, I am reminded by an evening call: “I called…just because I wanted to hear your voice.”

In my world of words on a page or a screen, voice of another is a level of connection that I struggle to believe is the Reality of my heart. More and more these days, for each of us, the screen rapidly replaces our voices. Sometimes, there are so many voices we cannot quiet long enough for connection. There is a balance between - in the intimate connection of voice, just between two loves – however the relationship may be.

The heart’s passion raises the voice’s volume. Do I place volume to my vulnerability to be known most intimately in a voice to voice conversation? Often the page seems safer; more desired. Sometimes my voice is a need; sometimes my voice is want – depends on the listener and the relationship. Yet, when it comes to the heart – who listens? To whose voice do I lean into to hear? Believe.

“You want my words and my voice. You want my laughter and my love. You want my attention and affection. You know my every moment, façade, dream and desire. You know my heart and mind and still want me unwavering. You call for a constant conversation; our language calls prayer. You call for my belief beyond all I know and feel to trust You and speak with You. You ask for me as I am to be with You as You Are.”

He calls because He just wants to hear my voice. We speak.

Click to Listen: Speak to Me