Sunday, November 20, 2022

Miracle of Rest


Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Matthew 11:28

Among so many threads that weave together to make a miracle, there are three that are common threads, to be sure. 1. Jesus gave each one exactly what they needed - that they could not give themselves. What they needed is what they wanted, but not always what was wanted was a true need. 2. The need was deep and intimately personal to every aspect of life. Physical healing is the most obvious and stunning, but not all healings are so obvious and run deeper. All affects each other – physical to mental and emotional and all is to Spiritual – a cavernous circle in every human breath of life. 3. Miracles were always declared with reason: so that they may KNOW YHWH more intimately than they know the overwhelming need that enslaves them. Each miracles lifts a veil to reveal the One True God. Yet, it remains the choice of the receiver to lift their eyes to see Him and heart to love Him for Himself.

Miracles were not given for the purpose of awe and amazement (though we live in awe of His power and thankful for His gift of life restored). The gift pales immensely in the Light of the Giver. Miracles were not given for the purpose of our study and warm fuzzy feelings. Though fascinating, amazing, and are to be studied and enjoyed – this is not the purpose of the gift. Miracles are not for our longing and envy. Not then, not now. Miracles are not lottery winnings granted to a few who seem more desperate or deserving – leaving us asking “why them and not me? What do I need to do differently to “win a miracle?” Often wanting the win, but without the struggle that is no respecter of person. Prince or Pauper, King or Beggar – all are prone to depths of hell or heights of heaven.

Once again, the need is nothing that we can cure ourselves, not even coughing up enough “faith” to activate. Faith is, in fact, dwelling in knowing that absolutely nothing is in our control, and only God. Miracle is, in fact, encountering an alteration of us that was completely out of our control and only God. This is why faith and miracles are intertwined – they are the same gifts from God alone. We only come to Him.

Our need can be so overwhelming and all consuming, relief can be an idol wrapped in earnest love for the Miracle-worker. Jesus knows us intimately and doesn’t judge us for desperately desiring healing. He desperately desires to heal. When relief doesn’t come, we are prone to being overwhelmed with resignation and resentment (religiously hiding, of course, with lines like “guess suffering must be God’s will for me” or “hope to learn the lesson He’s giving me” as if we are an object lesson, even unto ourselves). John Eldredge gives the revolutionary and healing call: “Invite Jesus into the pain.” I’ll let that soak in its own invitation of healing: Jesus Himself.

He gave the one exactly what they needed: the blind need sight – He gave. The lame needed strength – He gave. The hungry needed bread – He gave. The host needed wine – He gave. The slave needed freedom – He gave. The thief needed forgiveness – He gave. The one need for us all is Himself – He gave. There is often a risk of loss and trust, not knowing if the Miracle will come. But at some breaking point, the risk is worth the reward of His love alone.

My cavernous need has been exhaustion, which has plagued for years of pouring out. I advocate to “refill and balance” – which is always essential to live. Exhaustion became normal and accepted as the price paid for a servant’s heart. Accepted as overwhelming physically, mentally and spiritually. Just as any need for a miracle consumes. A need that I cannot give myself: not a vacation, not a long nap. A real rest that is more than life balance (always deeply essential). These are moments I wanted, but not miracles that I intimately needed. I was desperate for a miracle of rest that healed and sustained.

The 7th Day of Sabbath was intended as for his crowning creation of child to REST with God for all of eternity. It’s why this day recorded in Script is without an end. A choice of pursuing what we cannot have over ALL that we will ever need or want in God and His Creation, cost us that very rest. The result was first separation and shame. Next, and for all time following, was exhaustion from work and pain of labor. We were graciously given, commanded even, a portion of Rest in 7th day of Sabbath to KNOW HE is YHWH (again, the reason for the miracle); but even then we refuse the gift to go our own way and have the audacity to call it “holy” leaving God out and proud that we didn’t do laundry because it's “work.” This is what He means: Sabbath is meant for man, not man for the Sabbath. Rest is a gift, but we have to receive.

Today I reach for the Robe hem. Today I risk all for all days to slow to rest and know He is. More than still: surrender to trust and love. He is Rest: I am unconventionally and intimately healed in Him alone.





Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Holy Harness


But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. - Galatians 5:18

My pups love walks outside! They do not love, however, the required harness. Over time, they have learned that it's a necessary means to an end: harness means joy is moments away if they endure a quick snap and tug. It's all part of the journey. The door opens and the adventure begins all over again! I ask them, "where do you want go go?" and they choose their route. They have freedom of choice, but always tethered to the higher perspective of protection and love. From their limited perspective, they are not fond of the constraints, but trust the tether tugs. Once out, the hunt begins. They run towards a tempting scents, having no idea that the object of their desire is actually their demise. I pull the trash from their mouth and say "that's not for you."  They fight and bite to keep their trashy "treasures." I'll endure the pain to remove the poison. My perspective knows the danger they can't see. They have come to trust my guidance; realizing that it makes for a much more fun walk when they lean into my leading. 

We love to walk with Jesus. But often, secretly, we want the walk to be on our terms. We are are free to choose our paths and are naturally resistant to restraints. Freedom, is not lack of constraints; freedom is wisdom of choice. From our human perspective, we run to the temptations, not knowing the ash and trash that fills our mouths and minds. From our human perspective, the harness is always there. It's a comfort to have a protector, until it pulls us away from our tainted wants. We fight and bite the Guide who tugs us from our indulgences. The tether pulls us toward a greater freedom of LIFE: there is so much more to the path than this one small stop. From the Shepherd's perspective, the woven cords of love that pull us away from the "sweet" scents are protecting us from sudden death. The tug we come to know and trust, proves faithful to a deeper bonding with the Guide, our greatest love. 

Along the way, my pups often stop and look up to me. They just want to see that we we are together in this moment of their bliss. The walk is about being together on this adventure of life. As much as possible. Trust the Guide to lead in love, and find the fullness of JOY. And when the walk is done; we will always, always run to Home. 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Safe and Sabbath

 "Be still and know that I Am..." Psalm 27:10

There are many different insights where pups should sleep at night. I had heard "Do not start the habit is letting them sleep in your bed. It'll start a lifetime of restless nights for you." I had read, "Do not let dogs sleep together. Keep them separated to sleep." (I got two dogs so they would have each other to comfort, so they are intentionally together unless they choose apart time). So, I tried and failed. My first intent was that they sleep in their pen in their own room. I realized the cruelty of this idea in that - they spend all day in a pen when I'm out. When I'm home, all they want is to be with me - whether awake or asleep. With 16 hours of being in a pen - is this life? It's worse when they know you are there and they know you are separating yourself from them - is this punishment? Separating them from each other was just as cruel. Now, as puppies, they cannot be left to wander unattended, so they do need to be contained - i.e. pen or crate. The trick was being present while getting sleep. 
I'm not made to sleep on floors like had to find a solution for us all. 

So, my sister suggested the pen (crate for some) by my bed so they could see me while I laid in bed to bring a sense of safety - seemingly a win/win. Moderately better but still only little rest. The moment they woke and sensed separation, they cried for me. (Puppies especially are weaning from the comfort of their mother so they need to be close to their new mom.) By chance, to calm them, I placed them in the bed with full intention of returning them in short order...until we all slept through the night. Eureka! I was still hesitant by a new habit (and high bed), but it seemed to be the answer. Oh, was it ever the answer from the start, I just had to learn from their view. 

Dogs can also see in the dark, unlike humans. So they see and sense everything. The slightest move in the night, and everyone is up for hours more. Some nights it's still two hours sleep, one hour up, then cycle again. And when there is community, there is often loss of coordination. One tires, one plays. One sleeps, one fights. Then trade. There is no formula, only night by night mysteries. It is fully up to them on their terms. You just wait until those terms flow in the same direction.

God showed me: "You can only feel safe enough to truly rest when you are close to Me. Sigh in my Sabbath. I've lifted you up and held you close for the ultimate in comfort, safety, and peace. Just as I designed you and chosen you to be with Me. How you respond from this place of resting your heart next to Mine is entirely your choice: Will you come close and soak in the rest or will you jump away for reasons al your own? Will you choose to see in the dark My gaze on your face and your heart until you quiet in my love? Sometimes we are alone. Sometimes we are with others that I've gathered to rest with us. Will you focus on Me who draws you close or will you fight and bite - Me or them? Every night I draw you close in the dark of night - maybe dark of your mind, your circumstances, your anguish, your unbelief, your work, your world...there will always be dark and I will always be there with you. See Me in the dark and come close. Even for a little while before the world comes to distract again."

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Life and Death

As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. -Matthew 13:22

I have a black thumb. I so much as look at a plant and it dies. Knowing this gifting, I keep landscaping to a minimum and appreciate my postage stamp yard. However, due to a recent tree root pruning, I needed to lay sod around my townhome. Sod laying is intensive work followed by weeks of daily irrigation, just to keep the grass alive. Didn’t help that the ground hasn’t had rain since Noah, so it was up to me to tend to the growth. I did my part; some sod did not. Despite my best efforts, dry brittle grass still emerged like a beige carpet. I would not be mocked by death. Once diagnosed as DOA, the brown was banished so the green could grow. I literally hand removed the dead brush of blades and tossed them to the wind. There was no reason, I reasoned, to waste time, money and effort to nourish the dead. I was far more interested in the life buried beneath.

As I sorted between the healthy, flourishing green blades – rooted in soil and searching for water – to weed out the dead ones, I saw me. They say the soul is a garden flourishing or dying at any moment. The key is water (living water, of course) and tending to the pruning of disconnected branches or blades. From a certain angle, the soul looks to be flourishing. But when drawing closer, the dead branches are seen strewn about. Shaken by the Wind and waiting to be discarded. If left unattended, they will only impede the flourishing growth that seeks the light and life. We always hope the dead ones move on their own without any effort on our part. We would much rather water and bask in the beauty of our productive efforts than deal with the disposal of the dead. But, as it turns out, both are equally required. For life to push through, the carpet of carnage must be seen and removed. Burned to ash, if needed.

Pruning and uprooting are horribly painful, especially when the roots are deep into the soil. We’ve become so accustomed to the sight that we’d rather live among the gravestones than deal with the digging. Which we can, if we choose. But until the death is disposed of by our own digging and destroying, the life below remains suffering and sparse. Pruning, as painful as it is, gives hopes to buds of true life.

Growth is not fast; especially in a drought. Patience in performance comes when we shift our focus to the task as hand: remove the dead and water the living. Dead to me are selfish decisions and tragic consequences. Dead to me are betrayals and lies. Dead to me false identities and faithless beliefs. Dozens of weeds emerge each day – choking out the life of rooted identities and heart choices. The worst are the ones unseen. Tending, pruning, uprooting – all are required to see the beautiful blooms.

Bury the dead, without markers of stone. Tend to life to rise again. Water and wait. 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Skin Scars

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

I have a skin problem. I’ll spare the disgusting details, but to say, it’s a tissue issue I’ve had for 25 years. It only flares up occasionally, but when it does, it’s viciously aggressive. Every day and night is draining, extracting, medicating. The flares are temporary, but healing takes time. Literally weeks of daily attention to the root issues are required. There is no rushing the healing. There is only my part of constantly cleaning and applying the balm. The wound heals on its own time and terms. I tend to focus on the small areas that flare up but have found that lasting healing requires attention to all areas of suspect: the evil lies in the unseen.

What only I know is that what the public sees on the surface, is literally, the tip of an iceberg of deeper, root issues. Others may be repelled by my wounds, but I am the only one who can dress them in balm. Make up and cover up only last a few hours and do nothing for the long term. I am aware that scars will come, but scars are always better than wounds. Scars are proof of healing. I have also found that I am the only one who can attend to my own issue. No one, especially on a constant basis, can treat me. By the same token, I cannot tend to anyone else’s issues. We can have conversations, but I am the only one who takes action – or inaction – and I am the one ultimately affected and others at the view

There is a popular saying in the last year: “it’s not a skin issue; it’s a sin issue” This is obviously in reference to racism as a choice is acting on sinful mindsets, not the pigment itself. Yet, for my life and living lesson, there is much more to defining the problem. One thing every living human has is skin. Maybe varied by birth pigmentation, but united in reality: epidermis is inevitable.

I have a sin problem. I’ll spare the disgusting details, but to say, it’s an issue I’ve had for over 45 years. It flares up in noticeable, behavioral extremes - but when it does, it’s viciously aggressive. Every day and night is draining, extracting, and medicating the heart. The behavioral flares are temporary, but healing takes time. Literally days, weeks and years of daily attention to the root issues are required. There is no rushing the healing. There is only my part of constantly cleaning and applying the balm of the Word of God. The wound heals on its own time and terms. I tend to focus on the small areas that flare up but have found that lasting healing requires attention to all areas of suspect: the evil lies in the unseen.

What only I know is that what the public sees on the surface, is literally, the tip of an iceberg of deeper, root issues. Others may be repelled by my wounds, but I am the only one who can dress them in balm. Make up and cover up only last a few hours and do nothing for the long term. I am aware that scars will come, but scars are always better than wounds. Scars are proof of healing. I have also found that I am the only one who can attend to my own issue. No one, especially on a constant basis, can treat me. By the same token, I cannot tend to anyone else’s issues. We can have conversations, but I am the only one who takes action – or inaction – and I am the one ultimately affected at the root and others at the view.

One thing every living human has is sin. Maybe varied by life in manifestation, but united in reality: separation is inevitable. One thing every human being also has is a choice to apply balm or fester. Healing takes time, but only when mediation is applied. Mediation by the Healer of the heart. The root treatment of the wound lives out in the fruit distribution to the world. Eradication is inevitable.

Saturday, January 30, 2021



"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18

From sleep to wake, the subconscious, uncontrollable phenomenon of dreams is crazy. As the insane, subsection of each of our minds play out the most bizarre stories to our own private showing – the shift from sleep to wake moves our daily awareness from unreal to reality. For many, the dream is the haven and the reality is the nightmare. There are millions of writings on dreams because, whether we recall them or not, every human dreams. Whether reliving the past or projecting the future – or mostly, having absolutely nothing to do with either – one thing is also true and common to all: dreams are not real. Dreaming is real, dreams are not. They are an illusion. I can’t count how many times I’ve woken up and said, “thank God that was only a dream.”

So, my wondering is not of the dreams themselves (which thousands of books have explored)– as they are more varied than human fingerprints – my wondering is what is real v. unreal; senses v. stimulation; truth v. deception. From movies to mindbenders, we all are fascinated by the constant crossing of real and unreal/seen and unseen. We simply believe: what I see is the only real and unseen is not real. As the saying goes, "seeing is believing." Yet for the reality of faith, believing is the seeing. 

When I rise from dreaming each and every day, I rise to the crossing web of seen and unseen: the floor is seen, but the oxygen is not – both are my reality. Then onward to thousands of other crossings between seen and unseen that make up the reality of my life. At the exact same moment always is the underlying, life sustaining truth: what I see is temporary and what I do not see is eternal. That almost sounds like transporting into the Matrix. But it’s actually reality: all seen (or felt or any other five sense experienced) is never forever. As much as we want this to be of the awesome experiences, and of course, not of the awful moments. Good and bad, mountain and valleys, satisfied and starving, beautiful and horrible – all temporary. I tell my life that all I know is only what I can see (or sense). 

Except for the more real, more comforting, more sustaining truth: what I can’t see is eternal...and experienced which elevates (not negates) everything. More than "forever" which is held by time – the unseen is eternally fused to me because the me I can't see of heart and spirit is made for eternity. Some unseen is beautiful; some unseen is atrocious. But that’s not my control or concern, just like dreams I can’t control. My concern is where I focus – by temporary grasping or eternal holding.

Focusing on the unseen doesn’t say the seen/sensed isn’t real. The pain is real, the healing is real. The betrayal is real, the love is real. The rejection is real, the relationship is real. The fear is real, the joy is real. The losses are real, the abundance is real. The addiction is real, the recovery is real. But crossing over each of those realities is a common, greater Reality that is bonded to the unseen heart as true as the experiences will fall off like a coat in summer. The unseen remains with me and calls my focus to be true to me, whatever circumstances crowd for my control. Focus on the only true and eternal: faith to brings sight to the blind. Illuminates the steps. Just ask to see the unseen; to step into the dark and trust the Light of the one who gives breath and His sight. Dream on; but live more. Focus in faith and see the world of our own hearts and lives as never before. See the unseen to truly, abundantly live as we were made to live - breathing air of grace and love that can't be seen, only known. Ask and See.

Thursday, December 31, 2020


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:1-2

In our beginning, there was no time. Even Creation, there was no time. There was day, night, and seasons. For Earth and for us. There was only beauty and relationship. With Creator and then with each other. From then to now to forever: creation has no calendar. Day, night and seasons, but no clock. Time was a structural demarcation of nature that we constructed; and for that we are most thankful. Hours, days, months, years. Clocks and calendars meant to guide us…but never meant to control us. Interesting thing happened in the 2020th year since Christ was crucified and rose – by our calendar – since time split. Most of humanity over the entire Earth, had calendars cleared. We always say we want more time; but we mean on our own terms like a flurry of snowflakes in beauty and wonder. What we received, was an avalanche that rolled on with no end in sight. All together now. Go home and wait. And wait and wait. We are still waiting for “normal” to return – calendars to fill and demarcations to enclose. Just to feel normal. 9-5 work hours. Concert times. Dinner reservations. Yet some deadlines, on the other hand, did not cease: housing and electric bills, doctors’ appointments, and millions of other timelines. As varied as fingerprints, each had their own shockwave as never in our lifetime. Lose the clock, lose our minds. We don’t want a blank canvas to story; we want our lives back as before. Time on our terms. Clocks in our control. The clock ticks on and calendar turns a page tonight. Desperate for relief we always celebrate a “new beginning.” Maybe tonight more than ever. Deep down, we know there’s not carriage at midnight that magically changes circumstances. We are never called to complacency, but to wisdom  beyond ourselves that drives us to altar the lives that affect us and all around us. Choices to destiny.

A calendar is never our true comfort and joy. A grand celebration in tradition, to be sure! I celebrate with all the earth in the numbers turning tonight…but I look to celebrate more than the turn. I look not to return to before where time was Ruler of All, but to put time in its place: as a guide, not a dictator.  An earthen structure, I wish not to escape, but to embrace. I remember those who have no sense of turning time: humans enslaved and imprisoned. I am inspired by those who have no sense of turning time: nature as it’s been since the beginning. Less depression; more inspiration. More celebration in moments than numbers. Going back to the beginning to live in present. Not in ignorance or escape, quite the opposite. Live in full awareness that time in not limitations to entangle, but a harness to guide. Not a race against time, but a race with time. Beyond time. We will always have a beginning, an ending, and a life in between. But when I remember the true beginning – without time but with relationship – always intended to be without an end – true life is restored and lived. Celebration comes beyond tradition to expand into the horizons – celebration of life, provision, freedom, hope and love that nothing controls. Life is not controlled: Tragedy will come, as the dark with the light. But nothing separates from the love. As in the beginning to now to come there was only and will always be: rest in the Love.

So, tonight I celebrate a passing of time with great joy and contentment. Tonight the wind blows, so perfectly. Sensing the Spirit blowing away the days of past; not just in calendar, but in life. Let the seas swell and winds stir! All around are reminders of the Spirit as the true guide; great and small. Details, decisions, disasters and darkness. Most of all, grandeur, beauty, joy, and light. Dark days are ahead, but in the heart and mind of true awareness of the Unseen , most loved one: your carriage always awaits.