Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
I'll show you how to take a real rest. Matthew 11:28
Among so many threads that weave together to make a miracle,
there are three that are common threads, to be sure. 1. Jesus gave each one exactly
what they needed - that they could not give themselves. What they needed
is what they wanted, but not always what was wanted was a true need. 2. The
need was deep and intimately personal to every aspect of life. Physical
healing is the most obvious and stunning, but not all healings are so obvious
and run deeper. All affects each other – physical to mental and emotional and
all is to Spiritual – a cavernous circle in every human breath of life. 3. Miracles were always declared with reason: so that they may KNOW YHWH more
intimately than they know the overwhelming need that enslaves them. Each
miracles lifts a veil to reveal the One True God. Yet, it remains the choice of
the receiver to lift their eyes to see Him and heart to love Him for Himself.
Miracles were not given for the purpose of awe and
amazement (though we live in awe of His power and thankful for His gift of life
restored). The gift pales immensely in the Light of the Giver. Miracles were not
given for the purpose of our study and warm fuzzy feelings. Though fascinating,
amazing, and are to be studied and enjoyed – this is not the purpose of
the gift. Miracles are not for our longing and envy. Not then, not now. Miracles
are not lottery winnings granted to a few who seem more desperate or deserving
– leaving us asking “why them and not me? What do I need to do differently to
“win a miracle?” Often wanting the win, but without the struggle that is no
respecter of person. Prince or Pauper, King or Beggar – all are prone to depths
of hell or heights of heaven.
Once again, the need is nothing that we can cure ourselves,
not even coughing up enough “faith” to activate. Faith is, in fact, dwelling in
knowing that absolutely nothing is in our control, and only God. Miracle is, in
fact, encountering an alteration of us that was completely out of our control and only
God. This is why faith and miracles are intertwined – they are the same gifts
from God alone. We only come to Him.
Our need can be so overwhelming and all consuming, relief
can be an idol wrapped in earnest love for the Miracle-worker. Jesus knows us
intimately and doesn’t judge us for desperately desiring healing. He
desperately desires to heal. When relief doesn’t come, we are prone to being
overwhelmed with resignation and resentment (religiously hiding, of course,
with lines like “guess suffering must be God’s will for me” or “hope to learn the
lesson He’s giving me” as if we are an object lesson, even unto ourselves). John
Eldredge gives the revolutionary and healing call: “Invite Jesus into the pain.”
I’ll let that soak in its own invitation of healing: Jesus Himself.
He gave the one exactly what they needed: the blind need
sight – He gave. The lame needed strength – He gave. The hungry needed bread –
He gave. The host needed wine – He gave. The slave needed freedom – He gave.
The thief needed forgiveness – He gave. The one need for us all is Himself – He
gave. There is often a
risk of loss and trust, not knowing if the Miracle will come. But at some
breaking point, the risk is worth the reward of His love alone.
My cavernous need has been exhaustion, which has plagued for
years of pouring out. I advocate to “refill and balance” – which is always
essential to live. Exhaustion became normal and accepted as the price paid for
a servant’s heart. Accepted as overwhelming physically, mentally and spiritually.
Just as any need for a miracle consumes. A need that I cannot give myself: not
a vacation, not a long nap. A real rest that is more than life balance (always deeply essential). These are moments I wanted, but not miracles that I intimately needed. I was desperate for a miracle of rest that healed and sustained.
The 7th Day of Sabbath was intended as for his
crowning creation of child to REST with God for all of eternity. It’s why this
day recorded in Script is without an end. A choice of pursuing what we cannot
have over ALL that we will ever need or want in God and His Creation, cost us
that very rest. The result was first separation and shame. Next, and for all
time following, was exhaustion from work and pain of labor. We were graciously given,
commanded even, a portion of Rest in 7th day of Sabbath to KNOW HE
is YHWH (again, the reason for the miracle); but even then we refuse the gift
to go our own way and have the audacity to call it “holy” leaving God out and
proud that we didn’t do laundry because it's “work.” This is what He means: Sabbath is
meant for man, not man for the Sabbath. Rest is a gift, but we have to receive.
Today I reach for the Robe hem. Today I risk all for all days
to slow to rest and know He is. More than still: surrender to trust and love.
He is Rest: I am unconventionally and intimately healed in Him alone.
Blessings Sweet Pea for another beautiful post on the graciousness of God. Loved THIS: "Miracles were always declared with reason: so that they may KNOW YHWH more intimately than they know the overwhelming need that enslaves them." OH, It's not because I am faithful but because He is.