My friend is on vacation and sending me photos of her views.
Beautiful scenery: so relaxing and serene. The best part is that she’s at the
height of joy with her family. I send back my messages of pure jealousy from my
office setting. I am truly thankful for where I am – with my job and life.
However, there’s always something about the gorgeousness of the getaway – and
the joy of being “with” that makes us passionately long to be in the scene.
Almost immediately, she sends back dates with a message: “I’ve booked us a room to be here – just you and me. Are you in?” Suddenly, the dream becomes an
invitation. All because my friend said, “I want you to be here with me.”
“Well?” She says, “Are you in?” “Absolutely – I’m in!” It’s
sacrifice for both of us, as all things in beauty are, but we are worth the
sacrifice to experience the scene together. It’s a ways off in the future, but
the reservations are made and the trip is secure. Life will happen in between,
but now, there’s a difference to the days: "I want" turned to "I will." Joy settles
into the mundane, knowing that by my friend’s invitation and my acceptance, I’m
going to be in the scene that’s on my screen.
How much more is the destination that is so amazing it’s
indescribable? We all want to be there. We’ve all been invited. But we don’t all
accept? What part of the invitation is not understood? Are we too busy looking
for fine print to RSVP? The invitation is as clear as crystal; our interpretation is
what’s cloudy. The invitation is not an all-expense paid trip for
a family of four to soak in the spoils of earth’s glory. It's universally, infinitely more. It's also personal. The invitation is from one to
one. The invitation comes with great sacrifice from both. The invitation is bought, each and every one, in the Sender's blood Sacrifice. It’s very real and
very unconditional, but acceptance requires Covenant. The ultimate Covenant. The
destination, as glorious and beautiful beyond imagination as it is, is not the actual
invitation. The invitation is this: “Come Home with Me.”
The invitation is actually a Marriage Proposal: “Be with Me
Always.” Literally always. Not because of glorious scenery,
but because of Love. Be with Me now, be with Me Always. Betrothal to Christ
is complete Covenant that requires sacrifice of pride, control, self – all
mud puddles that block an ocean. This is where the invitation is often tragically denied. We would rather settle and deny all our heart
truly desires than trust Love. We would rather
trust all we see now rather than trust all we don’t see to come. We literally
choose the shack of now to the Honeymoon Home of Eternity because at least for
now, we hold the keys. Then, in the dark of no one knows where or when, the
reality for each one is the keys melt away and the shack melts into the dark.
For now, without having any idea of the glorious “with” or the terrifying
“without,” the invitation remains from Love: the only One who truly knows where
the glory and terror of both. There is no great debate that lays out options to
choose from based on speculations: there is only an invitation to true union.
Knowing my invitation from both my Saviour and my friend is
answered “Yes, I will” – my days until then are living in the “Yes, I am.” I
don’t need to know tomorrow, I just live in today. It sounds so simplified, and it is purposely simple. Knowing that an Oceanside retreat is reserved, I look
for the everyday moments to see the unseen. The days are not
devoid of beauty; the acceptance of the invitation opens the door for beauty to
flood in by faith alone. Here and now. Not on demand, but as reminders of “yes”
and “with.” What is truly devoid is only when I deny and beauty fades into the
dark of my denial.
All are welcome. The invitation is open. Are you in?
I'm in! :) on both invitations! :)