Monday, September 2, 2019


“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him." Luke 15:20 

I was late and filthy. I didn't have time to clean up, so I just came as I was. I spent the previous hours serving at the local church. I was exhausted. I contemplated resting at home or restoring in worship. I obviously chose to rise and restore. I slipped into the top, back row of the theater. The place was packed with fellow seekers of restoration...or whatever else may have drawn them to this space. 

I had heard that you were in the area, but I didn't know you were in the room until someone announced your name. Can't assume, but can always anticipate. Amidst the crowds, there you were. Blending in, eye to eye - which is always your preference. I was far removed and couldn't see your face. Wondering if again, we may meet eye to eye, voice to voice. But the gap was wide and I wasn't exactly presentable. The service ended and the gap widened. It wasn't about celebrity, it was about connection. Something said a moment was waiting; but all things seemed to move otherwise. So, I wait a few moments before being ushered out - contemplating the words of faith and communion that had just thundered into my heart and mind. These weren't merely words of inspiration; these were proclamations to something more than a few minutes of rousing emotions. Besides, I was still exhausted and needed to rest and selah before walking again. 

I wandered outside. Always a shock to re-enter the space of sacred back to the ordinary.  At the exact moment that I left the building for home, I caught sight of a detour in my path that had me turn left. "I'll just wander here until the path is clear." Then again, I was drawn by the sight ahead of me: a fellow servant standing next to a white SUV. I wandered over to chat a bit. Turns out, he was waiting for you. Again, I had stumbled onto your path.

As you emerged with your entourage, your eyes lifted to meet mine. I forgot my filth as you came right to me and exclaimed, "So good to see you!" Then, as you always do, you wrapped me up in beautiful embrace without reservation. As if, the embrace was as much for you as it was for me. You left the scent of sacred in exchange for my stench. And from that moment, I am inspired to go and do the same. For you, just being you, calmed a chaos you could not have known. In genuine joy, you chose me. 

We didn't meet in the service, but we met in the streets. Had I chosen my to be defined by filth, I would have missed my cleansing. I would have missed a moment mapped out just for me. Quiet, wait, then walk. A greater moment is just around the corner. 

Thank you for being in the moment. For calling me by name, to remind that a face is not forgotten. You left an impression of Jesus love, which all you ever, ever desire to do. You are a joy and a humble servant of both platform and park bench. Thank you, for being the channel of Living Water that flowed of His love and grace. The Creator, Saviour, Lover, and Gift of Christ - walked us both to that path to encounter Him. Conduit and child, interchangeable. Always was, is and will be Him.  The ordinary holds the Holy. If we would only seek the unseen, trust the timing, joy in the wait and walk in faith. The moments are mere reminders of the Embrace of Emmanuel. 

1 comment:

  1. "It's about connection." Recognizing that the ordinary is the extraordinary when we understand Jesus is always present. God meets us right where we're at and for who we are. There are no conditions for His love and faithfulness, His abundant grace. Thank you Michelle for sharing your heart and beauty, for your transparency and your words which inspire and share the Love of Christ.
