Waves. It’s all about waves
these days; and every day. Waves recede, waves return. Waves of fear, waves of
peace. Waves of income, waves of expense. Waves of comfort, waves of dread.
Waves of sorrow, waves of joy. Your invitation wasn’t just to one man on one
night – it’s to us all, every moment. Who will ask, "is it You?" Who will come at
your invitation? In the very midst of waves, not just when they are calm and “safe.”
We cannot control the waves, though we spend our entire lives struggling to
tame the ocean of our circumstances. Worse, the circumstances of our loves. We
want to; but our want is tragically misplaced. When we focus on our “waves,”
however they may be, we sink beneath the weight of ourselves, not the water. The
waves are not at fault. It’s our choice to focus on the
only One who causes us to rise.
We are not called to walk on
water to rise above our stormy circumstances and “be better.” We are called to
be with You. Just as we were from the first moments to our last. We walk on the impossible because You are there and You call me by name to be with You inside the waves.
There are also sure stones
that waves roll around. Foundations at our feet when You are our focus. Your
love. Your joy. Your peace. Your Presence. Such stones rise as Your promised
presence; a platform we share with You. They belong to You as gifts to me. I
only become aware of Your provided protections when I choose to meet Your
faithful and loving gaze that draws me out of a watery grave. When I look to
such stones as my salvation, they become idols that crumble in the crashing
pressure. You alone are my salvation – not just to save me from myself, but to
save me to Yourself. There is never a moment I either sink in me or swim in
You (however I may feel about my moments as blessed or cursed). Faith to see; faith to be. Faith to rise in the gaze of Your eyes. Faith
You are wave walker.
Thank you Michelle. The continued faith to know He loves us right where we're at. "It's not about being better," as you say but knowing He is the Calmer of the storm outside or in us or both.