Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Casting Bowl

Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
God made a covenant with anyone who would agree with Him: if you truly give me your concerns, without meddling and fixing, I will involve myself in your concerns. Typical of God throughout His Word: "here’s My promise for your sacrifice." Sometimes the greatest sacrifice is surrendering control to the Invisible. It’s not a magic bowl that makes problems disappear. It’s a sacrificial bowl of trust that gives God my life in the most practical way. It can be a bowl, it can be a teacup. It's not the container; it's the surrender. Completely let go.

Jesus said, according to your faith, so shall it be. It doesn’t mean that I sit back and do nothing; it means that I actively give to him in faith. Miracles have come because of this faith. Not always as we ask or expect, but they come. He is a God who partners with us in our need, according to our true heart.

My friend Debbie whose sister had been diagnosed with cancer for the third time, placed her sister’s cancer diagnosis in the bowl. Literally, wrote the diagnosis on a card and placed before God in a bowl. The day of her sister’s treatment was to begin, there was no cancer. Glory to the God of Human Cells.

A friend Karen placed her daughter’s divorce in the bowl and God provided a lawyer to represent her. The same friend placed her other daughter’s estranged marriage in the bowl and God restored them. She even placed her child's apartment into the bowl and watched God move from eviction to ownership. Incredible God! 

A friend placed her broken phone in the bowl and God provided a phone with $500 in accessories.

It’s our needs, large and small, given to God in faith. With an expectation and open hands that God will be God. Most of all, He builds our faith based on HIM, not on ourselves or our circumstances. Sometimes it may immediate or it may take a while, that’s part of trusting God to be God with us.

It’s a lifestyle of trust and faith. It’s ordinary everyday people, just like those in Scripture, that come to know the God who meets us face to Face in the middle of our messes. Living Scripture – then and now – that walk with a living God and trust Him in the details of our days.

What do you surrender to the bowl before the God?


  1. So encouraging! We all need to put our stuff in that bowl. \o/

  2. Put everything in your bowl immediately and constantly - that’s the call!
