Sunday, May 27, 2018

Kitty Kisses

“When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me.” Hosea 13:6

Cats are famously elusive. As an understatement. It’s a well-known trait they come when they want (particularly when the temptation is tuna). My home graces the presence such royalty. She’s not even mine, but belongs to my roommate. So, I am not the hand that feeds her, but burrows into her fur. I have no lure, only love. I am in no way responsible for her feedings or well-being. I am not one who monitors her health or checks her into vet visits. Still, she doesn’t seem to favor one over the other. She is an equal opportunity giver of attention or rejection. There is no coaxing or convincing her to be more socially present. She remains exactly where she wants to be – which is generally at a distance – until she decides otherwise. Her choice at any given moment. 

Maybe it’s her nocturnal nature, but she tends to remain aloof until the very last moment before I retire for the night. Just moments before, as if she feels a change in the mood, she appears for her strokes of affection. Upon occasion, she returns the favor with affections of her own: kitty kisses. Paw pats. Then in the twitch of a whisker, she’s back to being elusive and aloof. She doesn’t necessarily want you to pursue her for more time and presence; she will let you know the next time she appears and bows to receive ear rubs. I continually remind her, “The love is always here for you, if you will just come and receive. But you choose. You always choose.”

All of life centers around the cat. Her beloved owner spends spare moments researching the best foods and medical attention; checking on her whereabouts and not so secretly longing for her to come close. Conversations always come back to the cat. She is her human’s heart’s desire – with such care, longing and love. Everyone who grafts a pet into their home and heart knows this beautiful communion of unconditional love at its height.

Yet again, God speaks in these moments and asks of me what He’s asked each heart from the first breath in time: Who is my heart? Who do I look for in each spare moment and long to be close to me? Who is the center of my conversations because they are the center of my heart? Do I remain elusive to my true God and Love, denying myself love as the proud controller of my choices? Do I only come with the lure of provision? Do I only occasionally give myself to intimate moments of affection? Do I only bow to accept the same affection for my own secret bliss?

Ultimately, God gives me both breath to live and choice to love. He is my Creator and ultimate Controller of all, especially me. Though He pursues, He doesn’t press. He waits, for I am the one to choose relationship. So simply and powerfully, the truth reminds as constant as the air breathed: “The love is always here for you, if you will just come and receive. But you choose. You always choose.”


  1. This is a lovely story of cats and our relationship to our Lord! Love it. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    1. Thank you so much!!! God speaks all around and constantly :) So much thanks!!
